What are the effects of CBD?

What are the effects of CBD?

CBD is currently a subject that remains closed to debate, whether in French law, the public itself, the pharmaceutical industry or even in the sports world (since 2018, Cannabidiol has been removed from the list of banned substances by the World Anti-Doping Agency WADA).

But what does it really do? Let's take a few minutes to talk about it!

How does CBD (cannabidiol) affect the body?

We've chosen to start this article by explaining how "legal Cannabis" acts on our bodies, so that we can understand the effects of cannabidiol.

CBD, like THC, interacts with our bodies in a variety of ways, most notably by enhancing the effects of compounds known as "endogenous Cannabinoids". These compounds are so named because of their similarities to the direct compounds found in the hemp plant or "Cannabis". Also known as the "endocannabinoid system", this system has greatly improved our understanding of health and disease in general.

When we absorb the CBD molecule, our endocannabinoid system reacts directly according to the percentage of CBD obtained by the intake. The higher the percentage, the more concentrated the intake of cannabinoids, the more our system's receptors can be occupied by the ingested cannabinoids. This system is a regulator for our neurological system and therefore acts on the homeostasis of the body in general, it has major implications in almost every field (weight management, balance, anxiety, ...) and helps to explain how and why CBD acts in our body. It also explains the widespread consumption of this mood-altering plant, despite its often demonized status.

CBD pills


The therapeutic effects of CBD or legal Cannabis

We often use the term "therapeutic" without really knowing what it means. It's a part of medicine that focuses on healing and relieving the sick. The most common pathologies concern a large part of the population, but some are far more surprising. Today, we're going to focus on three outstanding therapeutic examples in which CBD is actively involved.

Cannabidiol is increasingly used for chronic (neuropathic) pain, as it acts directly on pain and inflammation. Diseases/pathologies such as fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis... now affect millions of French people. As a rule, symptoms cannot be cured by CBD, but they can be greatly alleviated, enabling a healthier body balance to be achieved in the fight against disease/pathology. CBD optimizes the natural response of the nervous system, making it a powerful analgesic and anti-inflammatory. CBD also responds to many sports-related pathologies (muscle and joint pain, etc.).

In cases of anxiety and depression, the effects of CBD may currently be more effective than antidepressants, or at least less harmful to the body. By acting directly and profoundly on our biological functioning, cannabidiol can relieve psychological disorders linked to mood, depression and anxiety. Some studies have even shown that the CBD molecule could be used as a substitute for antipsychotics (neuroleptics) to combat schizophrenia.

As far as addictions are concerned, CBD is favoured by addictologists for THC withdrawal, smoking cessation and addiction to certain opiate-based drugs. However, to be able to stop some of these addictions, you need large quantities of CBD, or products with a high CBD content, to be able to use it as a substitute. Fortunately, cannabidiol is a non-addictive molecule.


Other benefits of CBD

Cannabidiol can also limit inflammation of the brain and nervous system, thus helping athletes in the recovery phase and/or in cases of pain. It has also been shown to act on insomnia, skin diseases (acne, psoriasis for the mildest, up to multiple sclerosis for the heaviest: by local application), neurological affections (Alzheimer's, dementia, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy...) neuropsychiatric diseases (autism, alcoholism), Crohn's disease. CBD also has neuroprotective effects and anti-cancer properties, reinforcing the inhibitory effects of THC against the proliferation of cells responsible for tumors. CBD can even counteract the effects of THC, as it has no psychoactive effects and combats the psychotropic properties of THC, as illustrated by the release of "Sativex".

Despite the many benefits listed in this article and the extensive scientific research that has highlighted the enormous potential not only of CBD, but of cannabis in general, buying CBD still seems difficult and highly regulated.

Yet the therapeutic properties of CBD are recognized worldwide (WHO, AMA, scientists, doctors...) as a safe, non-addictive substance that currently has no side effects... All that's missing now is the research work carried out by governments to ensure its benefits. In France, the experimentation of medicinal Cannabis for March 2021 has been voted and granted, a great start!

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