CBD Sleep Herbal Tea - Marchand de Sable
CBD herbal tea - Nature de l'Aube
CBD herbal tea - Sieste Occitane
CBD Herbal Tea - Golden Foliage
CBD herbal tea, a remedy for everyday ailments?
A CBD herbal tea is a blend of various herbs with cannabidiol. In our herbal teas, 100% natural and organic hemp is added, and the other herbs are also organic. That's why our herbal teas carry the AB label (Agriculture Biologique, in accordance with article 29, paragraph 1 of regulation (EC) no. 834/2007 on organic farming).
It was very important for us to offer you a range of quality, organic herbal teas. Today, many CBD herbal teas can be found in stores or on the Internet, but many of them are made from plants that are more or less natural (grown with fertilizers, poor quality plants, etc.).
That's why our herbal teas have been carefully crafted, with over a year's research and development to put together the recipes (from researching the different plants and their benefits to the quantities required for optimum effect).
The benefits of herbal teas are numerous and have long been recognized (curative properties, digestive aids, etc.). When mixed with hemp, these properties are increased tenfold thanks to the action of CBD, which is directly assimilated by the digestive tract.
How to use CBD herbal tea
On the same principle as we recommend taking CBD oil after a meal so that cannabidiol ingestion can be facilitated by fats, we recommend consuming CBD herbal tea by adding a fat during preparation.
In fact, adding butter or milk (or any other fat) to your CBD herbal tea will help ingest the cannabinoids optimally.
Counting around 2g of CBD herbal tea, we recommend drinking at least three herbal teas a day to get enough CBD to feel the benefits.
CBD herbal tea, what does it do?
A CBD herbal tea delivers the effects of cannabidiol (recognized for its benefits on a range of conditions including anxiety, sleep, osteoarthritis and even more serious conditions such as fibromyalgia). But it also provides the basic effects of an herbal tea, such as :
Helps improve sleep and relaxation, thanks in particular to the lavender present in certain herbal teas.
Detoxifies the body, thanks in particular to the presence of dandelion or turmeric (like our CBD herbal tea " " )
Eupeptic and stimulating through the therapeutic properties of ginger, for example, improving digestive health
These effects are enhanced tenfold by the presence of CBD, which also brings its benefits, so we can say that we have a double-action effect for optimal relaxation.
For example, it has a significant anti-inflammatory action on various symptoms of pathologies such as osteoarthritis, multiple sclerosis and inflammatory intestinal diseases.
CBD herbal tea is therefore the perfect product to meet a regular CBD need, without necessarily changing one's consumption habits. Indeed, if a person drinks tea every day, for example, they can simply replace their tea with a CBD blend, without having to think about taking their oil drops or lozenges.
How do you make CBD herbal tea?
Some people might think that making CBD herbal tea is complicated or restrictive, but we're going to show you that it doesn't require much more organization than a classic infusion:
- Boiling water
- Prepare (in a tea ball or similar) approximately 2g
CBD herbal tea - Add a fatty substance to your herbal tea (milk, butter, honey, etc.) to facilitate CBD assimilation.
- Leave to infuse for +/- 10 minutes
Your herbal tea is ready to enjoy!
You can drink a CBD herbal tea at breakfast, in the morning, at lunchtime or even at bedtime. In short, you can drink our CBD herbal teas all day long, but we recommend drinking at least three a day to feel the benefits of cannabidiol.
Does CBD make you sleepy?
It's a question that comes up regularly, especially when it comes to CBD herbal tea. So let's try to clear it up.
CBD is renowned for its muscle-relaxing effects, thanks to its action on the endocannabinoid system. Indeed, when the molecule is ingested, cannabidiol is deposited on CB1 and CB2 receptors of the endocannabinoid system (present in the nervous system) as well as in various parts of the body where CB1 and CB2 receptors are also present.
When you consume CBD herbal tea, for example, the molecule acts on these receptors, providing a range of "benefits", including muscle relaxation and reduced neuronal activity. Naturally, the human body is more relaxed after taking CBD. As a result, the body is in better condition to fall asleep and/or maintain a deep sleep throughout the night.
Our "Marchand de Sable" herbal tea is perfect for falling asleep, thanks to the action of CBD, matricaria, lemon balm and verbena!
How to choose your CBD herbal tea?
Choosing the right CBD herbal tea may seem complicated, since there are so many different herbs, tastes and origins to choose from.
To begin with, it's important to consume a CBD herbal tea composed exclusively of all-natural elements (plants, flowers...) to ensure that they have a positive impact on your body. Secondly, we strongly advise you to consume herbal teas with the AB (Agriculture Biologique) label. This certification means you can be sure that all the products making up your CBD herbal tea have been produced and processed in an entirely natural way, and in compliance with the production methods used to obtain the label (no pesticides used during cultivation, no synthetic additives, etc.).
All our CBD herbal teas are certified Agriculture Biologique (AB) and, as previously mentioned, a year's worth of research and development has gone into bringing you the very best recipes made with the very best products (both for your body and for the taste of the herbal teas).
Next, a CBD herbal tea is normally composed of different natural plants, each with a different action on the human body. Of course, it's important to choose something you like, plants whose taste you enjoy, for example. Blends are made up of several plants, and among our four herbal teas, we're sure that one of them will suit you!
But taste aside, the plants that make up a CBD herbal tea are just as important for their action on the human body. Whether it's a detoxifying action thanks to turmeric or dandelion, or a relaxing effect on the digestive system thanks to the presence of lavender, the plants present in our herbal teas all have a positive effect.
It's therefore only natural that we should advise you to select your herbal tea according to the benefits you're looking for.
On each product, you'll be able to discover the composition of our herbal teas and the benefits they can provide, so you can make your choice easily and learn a little more about all these plants.
What quality of hemp should I use in my CBD herbal tea?
Our CBD herbal teas are made from hemp grown entirely organically, i.e. respect for the plant is present from cultivation right through to the addition of the CBD flowers to the mixture that gives rise to the herbal tea. At no point are synthetic products (terpene sprays, chemical fertilizers, etc.) added.
Animal welfare and respect for the environment are also at the heart of AB certification, which ensures that the products used in CBD herbal teas (whether plants or hemp) are properly produced.
What does certified organic CBD herbal tea mean?
As you will have read a little earlier, our CBD herbal tea range is AB (Agriculture Biologique) certified, and many products today are. We'd like to clarify what AB certification means, so that you know what you're consuming when you buy an AB-certified product.
Use CBD herbal tea to complement oil intake
Our herbal teas are an excellent addition to a CBD oil intake!
Each herbal tea is dedicated to a specific benefit and allows you to give your body an extra dose of CBD as well as plants with particular virtues.
For example, our Marchand de Sable herbal tea is an excellent complement to CBD oil for sleep disorders or stress and anxiety. Our consumers have given us excellent feedback on the use of this sleep-inducing and relaxing duo.