CBD Stress & Anxiety Capsules 50mg - CBD + Rhodiola + Lemon Balm x30
Nature CBD Oil - 5 to 40%.
CBD Sleep Herbal Tea - Marchand de Sable
CBD, the natural remedy in vogue to accompany the two main pathologies of modern society
The new wellness trend
In recent years, and following its full legalization, CBD has established itself as the " new natural solution to stress and anxiety ", thanks to its interaction with the central nervous system (CNS ) and its major role in regulating the human body'shomeostasis (mood, weight, balance...).
Mostly consumed in oil or capsule form, CBD for stress has carved out a major place for itself on the wellness market as a 100% natural product, in contrast to the traditional products used (anxiolytics). Added to this is the fact that CBD has no side effects and no reported deaths linked to its consumption, making it a first-choice wellness product for anxiety or stress.
Stress and anxiety, the evils of the modern world
Today, more than ever, the population is subject to stressful or anxious situations, as we were reminded during the COVID 19 years(when the WHO reported a 25% increase in cases of anxiety and depression worldwide). In a society where daily life is punctuated by increasing stress at work, stressful economic situations (inflation) and depressive current events (conflicts, war...), we are increasingly prey to stress, anxiety and depression.
In 2022, over 49% of the population said they were suffering from moderate or severe stress, and over 17% said they were depressed.Anxiety was not far behind, with over 7% of the population suffering from stress, according to a survey carried out by Statista on a sample of the population from all countries and all ages.
In short, the 21st century is the century of stress and anxiety, but also of evolution and alternative and natural medicine. CBD (which is not a drug) is therefore gaining in popularity, and is part of a framework of change in the methods used to treat major new pathologies.
Indeed, cannabidiol is scientifically proven to be effective against stress, depression and anxiety. Studied by numerous laboratories around the world, it is even used for medical purposes in countries such as the USA and Canada as a treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder and depression.
How does CBD help relieve stress and anxiety?
CBD's interaction with the central nervous system and CB1 and CB2 receptors
Cannabidiol or CBD interacts directly with our central nervous system (CNS) and, more specifically, with the endocannabinoid system and its CB1 and CB2 receptors. The latter is a regulator of stress and anxiety responses, and CBD will interact with these receptors to communicate with the nervous system and its various neurotransmitters to regulate several elements of the human body.
When the body is faced with stress or anxiety, a physiological reaction causes the level of the neurotransmitteranandamide to drop, partly because it is destroyed by an enzyme (FAAH) produced by the moment of stress.
Since anandamide is responsible for stress,anxiety and depression, its destruction increases stress and anxiety levels. When ingested, CBD inhibits the FAAH enzyme, increasing anandamide levels and thus reduce stress levels in the body.
In addition to this action, CBD is an antagonist (active) of the 5-HT1A receptor, responsible for the production of serotonin (also known as the happy hormone) and enables the production of serotonin which acts as anantidepressant on the human body
Finally, as for CBD's action on stress, studies have shown that it facilitates the binding of GABA (an acid present in the body thatinhibits the nervous system, "switching off"), which plays a major role in regulating stress and anxiety.
Scientific opinion and clinical studies: What about anti-stress CBD?
It can be difficult to form an opinion on the question, should I or should I not test CBD to manage my stress, anxiety or depression and several questions may come to you, is it scientifically proven? Does it already work for someone else? We offer you three different opinions: thescientific opinion, theconsumer opinion and theopinion of the cb'dé team following an internal survey of our consumers.
Scientific opinion on the benefits of CBD on anxiety and stress
Here we summarize a scientific article that has been compiled from the results of 49 scientific studies on CBD and anxiety conducted around the world. These studies include experiments with patients, scientific research and applications.
You can read the full article here.
What it says about the benefits of CBD on anxiety and stress:
We summarize the article in three main points: pre-clinical efficacy (before human testing), which concerns scientific research into the mechanisms of CBD's interaction with anxiety. Next, a look back at CBD's mechanisms of action in the human body, followed by the results of the human study.
Preclinical efficacy: Evidence shows conclusively that CBD is effective in reducing anxiety-related behaviors associated with several disorders, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder (PD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and social anxiety disorder (SAD), without inducing anxiogenic effects.
Mechanisms of action: CBD's anxiolytic effects seem to involve mainly CB1 and 5-HT1A receptors in the production of serotonin in various regions of the brain. Other receptors and enzymes may also play a role (GABA, CB2, FAAH...) in attenuating or preventing the effects of anxiety and related stress.
Human studies: Experimental results in humans confirm preclinical observations, showing an absence of anxiogenic effects, minimal sedative effects and excellent product safety and reliability (side effects or adverse reactions).
The cb'dé consumer interview: CBD to beat stress
We interviewed one of our CBD oil consumers about the effects she felt on her stress, in order to get an external opinion, close to our products, from someone who has been using the oil for over 2 years to calm her stress. We summarize the interview below:
The interviewee was suffering from stress linked to a demanding professional activity (a lot of time spent at work) and with heavy responsibilities (results and managerial). She began using CBD oil (starting at 10%, then finding a good balance with 15%) to calm her body mentally and reduce the effects of stress.
The effects of stress :
- Fatigue (mental rather than physical)
- Enervement
- It's hard to switch off in the evening
- Moments of "panic" during highly stressful events (delivery of deliverables, important meetings, etc.)
The benefits of CBD:
- With regard to mental fatigue, people find that CBD makes them feel " calmer " and that their thoughts are better organized, less all over the place, so they're less " tired " trying to fight it.
- Nervousness is the area in which she has felt the least improvement, always claiming to be "on edge" during periods of high stress, something which she says tends to lessen with time and attention (excluding CBD).
- As for the problem of " switch-off" or disconnection after work, she has felt a real improvement. CBD oil, which she sometimes accompanies with a CBD herbal tea in the evening, has enabled her to think less about the next day and to stay less stuck on the day's problems by being more relaxed during rest periods. In short, a real release from bad stress.
- Finally, moments of panic are still present but are better managed thanks to CBD, with a calmer, more soothed state of mind enabling her to deal with these moments more rationally and not let stress get the better of her.
She tells us that it took her some time to find the right dosage, and that her body is "accepting" CBD, getting used to the molecule, but that she's very happy with the results. Of course, stress is still part of her daily routine, but it no longer takes over her days and she has now taken "control" of it, and that's the main thing.
Survey of reasons for using CBD products - cb'dé
Based on an in-house survey of a sample of 281 people, we gathered information on CBD consumer profiles and reasons for consumption.
We find stress and anxiety to be equal and the number one reason for consuming wellness products (excluding recreational products). This study confirms the benefits of CBD as a stress reliever.
Full survey results are available on request from [email protected].
Can CBD replace treatment?
No, CBD is not a medicine and should not be taken as a substitute for medical treatment. We always recommend consulting a doctor before taking CBD.
Cannabidiol is a powerful anti-inflammatory that helps relieve stress and anxiety, but will never act as an anxiolytic and should not be taken as a substitute for treatment by a healthcare professional.
What is Full Spectrum CBD oil?
Our joint capsules are made with Full Spectrum CBD oil. In other words, the oil is extracted with all the cannabinoids of the cannabis plant (CBD, CBN, CBG, THC...).
This type of extraction produces the most potent and effective oil, since it has the "entourage effect" resulting from the global action of all the cannabinoids acting in synergy, which is more effective than an oil without THC, for example.
Bien entendu, le taux de THC reste infime et légal (<0,3%).
To find out more, read our article on CBD Full Spectrum
What dosage should I use for my stress capsules?
The recommended daily dose of CBD is 50mg.
Light : One capsule / day: 50mg of CBD
Medium (heavy pathologies and symptoms): Two capsules / day: 100mg of CBD
Strong (pathologies and very heavy symptoms): Three capsules / day: 150mg of CBD
This product is not a medicine, nor is it intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Of course, as with all our products, we recommend seeking the advice of a healthcare professional before use.
How to use CBD capsules?
We recommend that you take our CBD Stress & Anxiety capsules daily, so that your body gets used to CBD and the benefits are maximized.
Take one capsule a day, in the morning or at lunchtime after eating.
Place the capsule in your mouth and drink a glass of water to swallow it smoothly. You'll feel the benefits 30 minutes to 1 hour after taking it.
See our CBD Stress & Anxiety capsules product sheet to learn more.
How do I choose my percentage of CBD oil?
The percentage of oil (from 5 to 40%) does not change the molecule; it is simply more or less concentrated. A 5% oil can therefore give you the same benefit as a 15% oil, it's simply a question of the quantity of drops to be taken.
However, we recommend percentages according to the pathologies you wish to support, so heavier pathologies will generally be supported by more concentrated oils (from 15 to 40%).
For stress and anxiety, we recommend hemp CBD oil for a deep action on the body. CBD oil with MCT coconut oil (our flavored oils) can however be used to act on the spur of the moment (stressful situation) as they act more quickly on the body.
You can consult our automatic calculator or our user guide to make your choice.
How do I take CBD oil?
First of all, calculate your dosage using our automatic calculator.
Next, we recommend that you divide the number of drops you need into three parts after each meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner), then place the drops of oil corresponding to your dosage under your tongue - don't swallow, let them dissolve on their own.
The sublingual route ensures optimum absorption of CBD oil, since it is directly absorbed by the mucous membranes, reducing the loss of molecules (unlike digestion, for example).
If you're just starting out, stick to your dosage for 10 days and don't change it even if you don't feel any benefits in the meantime, as you need to let your body adapt to the molecule.
And, of course, our oil bottles come with a small pipette that makes it easy to place the drops under the tongue, drop by drop, so as not to exceed the dosage required for each dosage.
Can CBD interact with drugs?
Yes, it's possible, and we don't talk about it enough! In fact, cannabidiol can interact with various molecules found in medicines. No risk or danger to health, however, drug interaction can diminish or cancel out the effect of the drug and/or CBD.
We have set up a CBD oil user guide with a " Drug Interaction " section (part 7) listing the various molecules with which CBD should not be consumed. Find out more before consuming CBD oil.
Sources and scientific references
Legality of CBD: https: //www.economie.gouv.f /cedef/CBD-cannabidiol reglementation
Increase in anxiety and depression following COVID-19: https: //www.who.int/news/it m/02-03-2022-covid-19 pandemic-triggers-25 increase-in-prevalence-of anxiety-and-depression worldwide
CBD's interaction with the central nervous system and mechanism of action for stress: https: //www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov pmc/articles/PMC4677118/
Statista statistical survey on the stress level of the world population: https: //www.statista.com/stat stics/1400861/percentage-of individuals-reporting symptoms-of-stress depression-anxiety-by-age-group-worldwide/
Article on the role of anandamide via CBD interaction: https: //www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov pmc/articles/PMC4677118/
Research paper on the role of CBD on serotonin via the 5 HT1A receptor: Pharmacie_2020_Esteben.pdf
Study conducted on the action of CBD on anxiety and related stress: https: //www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov pmc/articles/PMC4604171/
CBD administration methods for stress
One of the best products against stress and anxiety, the capsules are highly concentrated in CBD and have specific formulations with plants (adaptogenic or not) which allow a complete action on the organism for an effective accompaniment.
What's more, CBD capsules are formulated with full spectrum CBD oil, so they contain all the cannabinoids in the cannabis plant to create theentourage effect. The cannabinoids work in synergy with each other, providing enhanced stress relief.
Taking capsules is also very simple and less restrictive than CBD oil.
The most popular and most effective product. CBD oil offers the best bioavailability of cannabidiol viasublingual administration. It can be used for a wide range of conditions, including stress and anxiety, and is a "Swiss Army knife" of remarkable benefits.
Herbal teas are an excellent complementary product for additional CBD intake (in addition to CBD oil or capsules).
We regularly recommend our famous Marchand de Sable to accompanyCBD Sleep oil or CBD Sleep capsules to maximize the benefits of CBD in the evening before bedtime, with excellent feedback.
Other products can also act against stress, such as our flowers, resins or cartridges. We primarily recommend wellness products that offer better cannabidiol bioavailability thanks to their administration methods (sublingual, digestion).