CBD Calculator - Calculate my CBD dosage
As explained in the user guide, CBD dosage is not something to be taken lightly, and it's always a good idea to get the right CBD oil dosage for your pathology (and its symptoms) and metabolism.
To this end, we've set up a CBD oil dosage calculator (also applicable to our lozenges).
You'll find a calculator based on the type of need (discovery of CBD, light pathology or heavy pathologies, again depending on symptoms). Various factors come into play in this calculation, including your weight and the percentage of oil used. This will give you a daily amount of CBD to ingest, as well as the number of drops corresponding to your daily intake and the oil you wish to use (concentration between 5 and 40%).
To make this calculation easier for you, we've set up an automatic cbd dosage calculator that takes into account all the factors needed to establish your dosage. It will tell you how many mg of CBD you need per day, and even how many days the bottle will last, depending on your dosage.
CBD dosage: Where do the recommendations come from?
This CBD dosage calculator is based on the dosage recommended by scientific and medical studies that have demonstrated the benefits of CBD in the treatment of certain disorders.
Thanks to this calculator, you can now easily find the right dosage for your problem. All you have to do is apply the advice you've received to benefit from the therapeutic effects.
After many years studying the properties of CBD and the different ways in which it can be consumed, we have been able to establish a cbd dosage calculation based on our own knowledge and on scientific studies in Canada, the USA and Israel (the three pioneering countries in this field).
Criteria for determining the right dosage of CBD
- Consumer profile (age range)
- Consumer weight
- Type of consumer pathologies
Of course, in addition to these factors, there are other elements to consider (desired oil concentration, type of CBD oil (hemp oil carrier or coconut oil carrier). We'll explain it all to you!
Calculating CBD dosage: How does it work?
Our cbd dosage calculator takes into account various factors (seen above) which are all paramount to establishing a dosage of CBD oils.
Each factor is assigned a different multiplier coefficient (more or less important) in order to increase or decrease the dosage (we can't stress this enough, no adverse effects from taking cbd oil have been noted to date).
Frequently asked questions
CBD dosage: How many drops of CBD oil should I take?
The cbd dosage calculator we offer lets you know how many drops of CBD oil to take according to the type of condition, weight and concentration you want.
This allows for more appropriate and targeted treatment of your condition, since cbd dosage can vary (from small doses for mild pathologies to larger doses for more serious cases).
The calculator will give you the exact dose and precise number of drops to take (dosages are established to the drop). We can't call it medical cannabis, since we're not doctors, but the principle is not far off (with a very precise dose calculated in a fair and professional way).
How much CBD does a drop of oil contain?
It all depends on the concentration you choose. Normally, one drop of oil contains an average of 0.05 milligrams (mg) of CBD for a concentration of 5%, 0.25 mg for a concentration of 25% and 1 mg for a concentration of 40%.
However, these figures are not fixed and may vary according to brand and product. We therefore advise you to check the information on the product label to be sure. This is the correct dosage for cb'dé oils.
To put it more simply:
Thanks to this cbd dosage calculator, you'll find it easier to find the right dosage for your needs, taking into account all the factors required to obtain the benefits of CBD. This calculator will also help you determine the number of days the bottle will last, depending on your dosage.
How to use CBD oil?
Once you've found the right dosage, simply use it according to the instructions on the bottle.
CBD oil should be taken sublingually, i.e. by placing it under the tongue and holding it there for a few minutes without swallowing, letting it dissipate on its own. This intake is facilitated by the dropper pipette built into the cap of our CBD oil bottle, which enables the perfect dose to be assimilated. The effects are normally felt within 7 to 10 days if taken regularly and in the right CBD dosage.
Don't hesitate to ask your doctor if you'd like to know more about using CBD oil to treat a medical condition.
Different concentrations of CBD oils
Most CBD oils are available in different concentrations, generally ranging from 3% to 40%. Choosing the right dosage therefore depends on your profile and needs.
If you suffer from a mild pathology, an oil with a concentration of 3 to 5% may be sufficient. On the other hand, if you suffer from more serious disorders with more pain, it's better to opt for higher concentrations (between 10 and 40%), as weight is also an important factor.
In any case, it's advisable to start with a low concentration before gradually increasing until you find the dosage that suits you best, as the effects won't be felt any faster if you opt directly for the most concentrated.
How to calculate your CBD dosage?
The dosage calculator for our cbd oil is very simple to use and requires only a few details to give you the right dosage. First of all, you need to enter your weight and select the type of condition you suffer from, as well as your age.
The calculator then automatically calculates the number of drops per day to be consumed, and allows you to consult the different dosages according to the different oil percentages.
You can also see how many days your CBD oil will last based on the doses you take.
What is the highest CBD content?
CBD products come in a wide range of concentrations, from the low (5% bottle) to the very high (up to 40% cbd content).
However, it's important to remember that the right dosage for each person depends on a number of factors, and can therefore vary greatly from one person to the next, and the effects are specific to each individual's human orps (you may be very receptive, or not at all, depending on the person).
CBD dosage: Is it possible to overdose on CBD?
CBD overdose is impossible, and no serious side effects have been reported to date. That said, it's always important to respect the recommended cbd dosage to avoid any unnecessary risks.
In fact, the human body assimilates cannabinoids (including CBD) via the nervous system, which is made up of endocannabinoid receptors (isn't it wonderful that our bodies are naturally able to receive the benefits of this marvellous plant?), which become saturated above 160 mg of cbd per day, meaning that CBD is simply "lost" beyond this dosage, and will not be assimilated by the human body. So there's no point in taking a huge number of drops of oil, since it's useless above 160 mg of CBD, and the vast majority of pathologies can be treated with cannabidiol in quantities well below 160 mg of CBD (between 60 and 110 mg of CBD).
We would point out, however, that apart from overdoses, which have never occurred to date, certain drugs such as levothyrox (thyroid medication) are contraindicated with CBD, so CBD cannot be taken as a supplement. We provide a list of the main molecules of the various drugs that are contraindicated in our user guide. And of course, if you have any questions, we're always happy to answer them by e-mail or telephone (dosage, use, tolerance, quantity, dosage...).
How many drops of CBD for sleep?
The dosage of CBD for sleeping can vary according to each person's profile and needs. It's best to start with a small amount (e.g. 50 mg) and gradually increase if necessary until you find the right dosage, which may vary according to metabolism or tolerance - every experience is different. You can also consult our user guide for more information on CBD dosage and properties.
In conclusion, CBD is a drug that can be used to relieve a variety of neurological and physical ailments, and it can also be beneficial for improving the quality of your sleep. It's important to note that the appropriate dosage depends on several factors, and it's important to use a dosage calculator to find the right one for you. Finally, don't forget to consult the recommendations in our CBD oil user's guide before using CBD (to find out the ideal dose and also the interactions of cannabidiol), as its properties and means of use are multiple (anti-inflammatory, for example, with topical use possible thanks to our range of CBD creams).
Now that you've calculated your dosage, you can choose theCBD oil that suits you best directly from our store, or contact us on 04 37 04 25 43 or by email at [email protected] if you'd like more information before taking the plunge, or if you still have unanswered questions!