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Dosage calculator & User guide

Here it is!
40% CBD oil Benefits of CBD oil
Nature CBD Oil - 5 to 40%.
Minimum price 19,90€ Maximum price 99,90€
CBD Oil 5% Passion CBD Oil 5% Blood Orange
CBD Oil 5% - Flavoured
Regular price 19,90€
CBD Oil 10% Blood Orange CBD Oil 10% Passion
CBD Oil 10% - Flavoured
Regular price 35,90€
CBD Oil 15% Passion 15% Blood Orange CBD Oil
CBD Oil 15% - Flavoured
Regular price 49,90€
20% Blood Orange CBD Oil CBD Oil 20% Passion
CBD Oil 20% - Flavoured
Regular price 65,90€

The interaction and benefits of CBD oil

Within our nervous system is an "endocannabinoid" system with receptors (notably CB1 and CB2 receptors) capable of receiving cannabidiol. When we ingest CBD, our endocannabinoid system reacts directly according to the quantity of CBD ingested; the more concentrated the intake of cannabinoid, the busier the receptors in our system can be.

This system regulates our neurological system, and therefore acts on the body's homeostasis in general. It has major implications in almost every field.

CBD oil can therefore accompany a wide range of pathologies, since cannabidiol interacts with the entire body via the nervous system. It is best to ask your doctor's permission before consuming CBD if you are already undergoing medical treatment.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of the pathologies that cannabidiol is able to support, with a little precision: each person and each organism is different, CBD doesn't work for everyone, nor is it a miracle cure!

  • Anxiety
  • Sleep disorders
  • Arthrosis / Rhizarthrosis / Arthritis
  • Muscle pain
  • Endometriosis
  • Painful periods
  • Neuropathic pain
  • Migraines
  • ...

CBD's interaction with the body
CBD's interaction with the body

French CBD oils, 100%natural and THC-free

As you now know, we're fervent advocates of 100% natural and French whenever possible. For our CBD oils, we chose organically-grown hemp from Brittany and a manufacturer (for oil processing) from Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.

From cultivation to processing, everything is 100% natural and made in France! Before we marketed them, they were tested to help with a variety of pathologies (rhizarthrosis, anxiety, sleep disorders, endometriosis, chronic pain...) and the feedback was more than convincing!


How we make our CBD oils

Our CBD oils are 100% naturally produced in France. Cannabidiol is extracted from the cannabis plant using a process that preserves as many cannabinoids as possible: this is known as "cold-pressed" oil. We have focused on cold rather than hot extraction, as heat can denature and "lose" cannabinoids during the process (they will simply "burn" with the heat). With cold extraction, the cannabinoids are preserved as much as possible, without being denatured, so as to obtain what is known as a complete extraction.

This extraction (the cannabinoid concentrate, the majority of which is CBD) is mixed with a carrier oil (hemp oil or coconut oil) to enable it to be assimilated by the body and administered correctly.

Difference between natural CBD oil and MCT coconut oil

When making an oil, the cannabinoid extraction is mixed with a carrier oil, to promote ingestion.

This carrier oil can be hemp oil or MCT coconut oil (extracted from coconut oil):

  • Hemp oil will provide a better entourage effect thanks to the phytochemicals in hemp, and therefore a better action of cannabidiol.
    It has a chlorophyll taste, is very plant-based and cannot be flavored.

  • MCT coconut oil is more rapidly absorbed by the body, as it has a fatty acid structure that is more rapidly absorbed.
    However, it has a less favourable entourage effect than its neighbor, natural CBD oil.
    It can be flavoured (blood orange, passion fruit).
Does the oil contain THC?

Our CBD oils are devoid of any trace of THC. In fact, since they are extracted in such a way as to separate THC from other cannabinoids, no high or psychotropic effects can be felt, and there are no addictive effects or problems with saliva tests, for example.

What are the benefits of CBD oil?

The benefits of CBD oil are so numerous that they are difficult to describe. In fact, as cannabidiol interacts directly with the nervous system and endocannabinoid receptors, it can regulate and support many pathologies. From anxiety and sleep disorders to endometriosis and osteoarthritis, CBD is a real regulator of the human body.

How do I choose my percentage of CBD oil?

The percentage of oil (from 5 to 40%) does not change the molecule; it is simply more or less concentrated. A 5% oil can therefore give you the same benefit as a 15% oil, it's simply a question of the quantity of drops to be taken.

However, we recommend percentages according to the pathologies you wish to accompany, so heavier pathologies will generally be accompanied by more concentrated oils (from 15 to 40%). You can consult our automatic calculator or our user guide to make your choice.

How do I take CBD oil?

First of all, calculate your dosage using our automatic calculator.

Next, we recommend that you divide the number of drops you need into three parts after each meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner), then place the drops of oil corresponding to your dosage under your tongue - don't swallow, let them dissolve on their own.

The sublingual route ensures optimum absorption of CBD oil, since it is directly absorbed by the mucous membranes, reducing the loss of molecules (unlike digestion, for example).

If you're just starting out, stick to your dosage for 10 days and don't change it even if you don't feel any benefits in the meantime, as you need to let your body adapt to the molecule.

And, of course, our oil bottles come with a small pipette that makes it easy to place the drops under the tongue, drop by drop, so as not to exceed the dosage required for each dosage.

Can CBD interact with drugs?

Yes, it's possible, and we don't talk about it enough! In fact, cannabidiol can interact with various molecules found in medicines. No risk or danger to health, however, drug interaction can diminish or cancel out the effect of the drug and/or CBD.

We've put together a guide to using CBD oil that includes a "Drug Interaction" section listing the various molecules with which CBD should not be consumed. Find out more before consuming CBD oil.

Personalized advice

Automatic dosage calculator, flyer and user guide

First and foremost, we want to educate you about cannabidiol and its benefits. To do so, we've put together a variety of materials:

An automatic dosage calculator based on various factors(pathology category, weight, age) applies multiplication coefficients to each combination to determine the optimal daily dosage for your profile and pathology.

A guide to using of CBD oil, explaining howthe molecule interacts with the human body and nervous system, the benefits it can have for various pathologies, drug interactions...

A flyer is included in each package, summarizing the dosage calculation, interaction and benefits of CBD.

And, of course, you can reach us by phone on 04 37 04 25 43 and by e-mail at [email protected] if you have any questions!

Dog and cat CBD oil, but why?

CBD oil for cats and dogs

And yes, CBD isn't just for humans! Our four-legged companions are also receptive to cannabidiol, and many of the pathologies they face can be helped by this beautiful molecule.
Like us, dogs and cats have endocannabinoid receptors (notably CB1 and CB2) capable of receiving cannabidiol. Cannabidiol then plays the same role as in humans, interacting with the animal's entire organism as a neurological system regulator, enabling a global action.
Here is a non-exhaustive list of pathologies in dogs and cats that can be treated with CBD oil:

-Mild : Anxiety/sleepiness, eating disorders (gluttony or anorexia), coprophagia, Pica (eating something other than food)

-Moderate : Chronic inflammation, gingivitis, hyperactivity

-Heavy : Osteoarthritis, arthritis & joint pain, epilepsy & convulsions, cancer

CBD oil & a cat