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CBD Oil for Dogs and Cats 3 to 5%. CBD Oil for Dogs and Cats 3 to 5%.
CBD Oil for Dogs and Cats 3 to 5%.
Minimum price 15,90€ Maximum price 18,90€
Friandises CBD Chat & Chien - Petit gabarit Friandises CBD Chat & Chien - Petit gabarit
Friandises CBD Chat & Chien - Petit gabarit
Regular price 11,90€
Friandises CBD Chien & Chat - Grand gabarit Friandises CBD Chien & Chat - Grand gabarit
Friandises CBD Chien & Chat - Grand gabarit
Regular price 11,90€

What is CBD?

CBD is a cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant (along with CBN, CBG and THC), and is considered to be the cannabinoid of well-being, accompanying various pathologies thanks to its action on the body.

As in humans, CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system of the animal's central nervous system and acts as a regulator of the animal body's homeostasis.
Through its agonist or antagonist action on various receptors and enzymes (CB1, CB2, 5-HT1A...), CBD offers various benefits for animals:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antioxidant
  • Pain relief
  • Weight control
  • Appetite regulation
  • Regulation of anxiety and
  • stress
  • Regulation of mood and behavior disorders

In addition to these benefits, cannabidiol is also an excellent addition to your four-legged friend's health routine, helping to maintain general balance. It helps maintain beautiful skin and a silky coat, while providing your dog or cat with healthy fatty acids (omega 3-6), vitamins (A, C, B and E) and minerals.

What pathologies does CBD oil accompany in our pets?

CBD oil is increasingly recommended by veterinarians for a wide variety of pathologies. Its interaction with animals has been shown to be very positive, and has been the subject of numerous studies for the treatment of serious pathologies such as tumors and epilepsy.

Here are the different pathologies that can be accompanied by CBD to facilitate the daily life of your dog or cat:

  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Sleep
  • Eating disorders (gluttony or anorexia)
  • Coprophagia
  • Pica (eating something other than food)
  • Chronic inflammation
  • Gingivitis
  • Hyperactivity
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Arthritis
  • Joint pain
  • Epilepsy & convulsions
  • Cancer
  • Tumor

As with humans, each dog or cat is different and will be more or less receptive to cannabidiol.

The scientific view: CBD for animals

We have summarized a scientific study[1] that explores the effects of cannabidiol (CBD) on various pathologies in dogs and cats, in particular anxiety, epilepsy, and behavioral disorders, as well as potential side effects.

Study protocol

The study used a rigorous protocol to assess the effects of CBD. Animals were divided into treatment and control groups, with doses of CBD administered over a set period of time. Animal behaviors were observed and recorded by veterinarians and owners at regular intervals.
The data collected were analyzed to determine the effects of CBD on the various pathologies studied. Side-effect assessment was also an integral part of the protocol, with regular follow-ups to identify and manage any adverse effects.

Back to CBD's action on anxiety

CBD is increasingly being used to manage anxiety in pets, especially dogs. Studies have shown that CBD can reduce anxious behavior, especially during stressful situations such as thunderstorms or fireworks. Dog owners report a marked improvement in their pets' behavior after CBD administration, with less agitation and overreaction.

Back to CBD's action on epilepsy

Epilepsy is another condition where CBD has been studied for its potential effects. Epileptic seizures can be reduced in frequency and intensity in dogs with regular doses of CBD. Clinical studies have shown that CBD can reduce seizure frequency in some epileptic dogs resistant to conventional treatments, although the exact mechanisms have yet to be determined.

Back to CBD's action on behavioural disorders

With regard to behavioral disorders, CBD is used to manage problems such as aggression and compulsive behaviors (bulimia or Pica, for example).
Results indicate that CBD can have calming effects on dogs and cats, reducing undesirable behaviors. Owners report a reduction in aggressive behavior and an overall improvement in their pets' well-being.

Notable side effects during the study

The most common side effects observed include mild drowsiness, reduced saliva production and gastrointestinal disturbances. These effects are generally mild and transient, and have tended to diminish in long-term tests.

What should we remember?

In conclusion, CBD shows promising potential for the treatment of anxiety, epilepsy and behavioral disorders in dogs and cats. In general, feedback has been very positive for the various pathologies tested in dogs and cats. The study points out, however, that we still have little experience with CBD to establish precise dosages for different types of pathology.

Why should I give my pet CBD?

You can give CBD to your dog or cat in support of a medical condition, or simply to complement its health routine and help it feel its best every day.

CBD for dogs and cats: Recommended dosage and dosages

By taking into account various scientific studies, our knowledge and feedback from our consumers, we have established a dosage of CBD oil for dogs and cats that takes various factors into account.

Find our automatic dosage calculator
for CBD oil animals.

Choice of oil :

  • Oil 3% = Small dogs and cats
    / 3-10 kg
  • Oil 5% = Large dogs and cats
    / 10-30kg and +.

Take into account

We recommend a base of 1 mg CBD/kilo.

Type of pathologies :

  • Mild: Anxiety/sleepiness, eating disorders (gluttony or anorexia),
    coprophagia, Pica (eating something other than food).
  • Medium: Chronic inflammation, gingivitis, hyperactivity
  • Heavy: osteoarthritis, arthritis & joint pain, epilepsy &
    seizures, cancer, tumors

We apply a multiplying factor for each type of pathology:

This coefficient makes it possible to revise the initial dosage upwards or downwards depending on whether the pathology is mild or severe, in order to provide in-depth support for more serious pathologies.

  • Light: x0.7
  • Averages: x1
  • Lourdes: x1.3


You have a dog that weighs 20 kilos and suffers from epileptic seizures (category: heavy pathology, therefore x1.3):

20 kilos x 1mg = 20mg x 1.3 = 26mg of CBD per day

All you have to do is give him the necessary number of drops according to the oil chosen:

  • Oil 3%: 1.5mg of CBD per drop. 26mg / 1.5mg = 17 drops
  • Oil 5%: 2.5mg of CBD per drop. 26mg / 2.5mg = 10 drops

We always recommend CBD as a groundwork product, i.e. to be taken daily so that the body can get used to cannabidiol and use it as a daily supplement to provide the body with the benefits it needs.

If the expected benefits are not felt, daily doses can be increased slightly (a few mg). It's important to wait at least 10 days after the first dose before deciding to increase the dosage, as it can take time for the body to become accustomed to CBD.


Does CBD oil contain THC?

No, our dog & cat CBD oil contains no traces of THC. So it's not psychoactive, and your four-legged friends won't risk any serious side effects.

Can I give CBD to a pregnant or nursing female?

CBD is not recommended in these cases. No studies have been able to prove potential negative effects on babies, but we prefer to wait until the end of gestation or breast-feeding before taking cannabidiol.

At what age can I give my pet CBD?

From 6 months, so that the main growth period is over and brain and organ development are complete.

Should I consult a veterinarian before giving my dog CBD?

We always recommend consulting a veterinarian before taking CBD. He will be able to answer your questions and give you his opinion. CBD is in no way intended as a substitute for medication prescribed by an animal health professional.

How can I give my pets CBD?

Several methods are possible, depending on your little companion's laissez-faire attitude:

  • Directly into the mouth (if your pet is gentle and calm)
  • In his food (kibble, pâtée...)
Can I put CBD oil directly into my dog's water bowl?

No! the oil is not completely soluble and does not dilute well with water. You run the risk of losing some of it, and therefore of not administering the right dosage to your pet.

My dog is a bit complicated, what do your CBD oils taste like?

We've thought of everything! Our pets are often fussy when it comes to taking medicine or anything other than food, and often go to great lengths not to swallow. To address this problem, we offer two different flavors: Salmon & Beef to suit all tastes.

Sources and scientific references

[1]: Scientific Validation of Cannabidiol for Management of Dog and Cat Diseases. Isabella Corsato Alvarenga 1, Kiran S Panickar 2, Hannah Hess 1, Stephanie McGrath.

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov 36790884/#:~:text=Some%20d g%20studies%20have%20foun ,aggression%20in%20dogs%20 and%20cats.

Discover our CBD sweets

If you want to incorporate CBD into your pet's eating routine, you can also feed him our CBD treats!

For inclusion in their daily diet or as a "snack" at the right moment (car journey, veterinary appointment, pain crisis...).

Don't wait any longer...

Take care of your pets!