CBD Oil for Dogs and Cats 3 to 5%.

Regular price 15,90€
Taxes included.

Our pets deserve a dose of well-being too! Share the benefits of CBD with your dog or cat, to improve its daily life or to support certain pathologies.

CBD interacts with the animal body via the endocannabinoid system present in the central nervous system, just as it does in humans. It has an impact on the homeostasis of the animal body and acts as a regulator of various biological processes: sleep, mood, stress, weight, appetite...

From behavioral disorders to stress to gingivitis, CBD has proven to be an excellent product for the daily lives of our four-legged companions.

Here are some of the pathologies it can accompany:

  • Anxiety and stress
  • Eating disorders (gluttony or anorexia)
  • Coprophagia
  • Pica (eating something other than food)
  • Chronic inflammation
  • Gingivitis
  • Hyperactivity
  • Osteoarthritis, arthritis and joint pain
  • Epilepsy & convulsions
  • Cancer and tumors
We have set up a automatic dosage calculator so that you can calculate the dosage of CBD your pet needs in relation to its weight and pathology.
Of course, our pet oil is THC-free, to protect your pets' health.

You can find our instructions for use directly on the products by means of a QR CODE.

Products controlled by an independent laboratory to guarantee 100% legal products.
Product not intended for pregnant or breast-feeding females,
Use: do not smoke, pour the oil into an essential oil diffuser.
Dosage according to the animal's build, depending on how it feels and what it needs.
Please note that these oils are not a medicine. For special cases, it is preferable to discuss them with your veterinarian before use.

  • 🌱 100% natural
  • 💪 accompanies all (or almost all) pathologies
  • 🥦 organic hemp
  • 🚨 without thc
  • 🌱 100% natural
  • 💪 accompanies all (or almost all) pathologies
  • 🥦 organic hemp
  • 🚨 without thc
  • 🌱 100% natural
  • 💪 accompanies all (or almost all) pathologies
  • 🥦 organic hemp
  • 🚨 without thc
Dosage of CBD oil for dogs and cats

Dosage of CBD oil for dogs and cats

Choice of oil :

Oil 3% (1.5mg CBD/drop) = Small dogs and cats / 3-10 kg

Oil 5% (2.5mg CBD/drops) = Large dogs and cats / 10-30kg and over

Taking weight into account: We recommend a base of 1 mg CBD/kilo.

Type of pathologies :

Mild: Anxiety/sleepiness, eating disorders (gluttony or anorexia), coprophagia, Pica (eating something other than food).

Medium: Chronic inflammation, gingivitis, hyperactivity

Heavy: osteoarthritis, arthritis & joint pain, epilepsy & convulsions, cancer, tumors  

We apply a multiplying factor for each type of pathology:

This coefficient makes it possible to revise the initial dosage upwards or downwards depending on whether the pathology is mild or severe, in order to provide in-depth support for more serious pathologies.

Light: x0.7

Averages: x1

Lourdes: x1.3



You have a dog that weighs 5 kilos and has epileptic seizures (category: heavy pathology, therefore x1.3):

5 kilos x 1mg = 5mg x 1.3 = 6.5mg of CBD per day

All you have to do is give him the necessary number of drops according to the oil chosen:

3% oil (for dogs under 10kg): 1.5mg of CBD per drop. 6.5mg / 1.5mg = 4 drops

CBD oil is not a medicine and does not cure, treat or prevent any disease. Consult a veterinarian before use.

Automatic dosage calculator
Method of administration: When, how much, how?

Method of administration: When, how much, how?

You can administer CBD oil to your pet in two different ways:

  • Directly into the mouth if your dog or cat allows it
  • In its food by placing the drops on top

Caution: Do not put CBD oil in the water bowl, as the oil does not mix well with water and will not be fully diluted, so you will lose some of it.

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews

Except that my cat hates the "salmon" taste and I have to force it... a "chicken" taste would be welcome.

Hello and thank you for your feedback :)
We're currently working on a new range of oils for animals and a chicken flavor is on the agenda! A few more months and it will be on the site :)

Beautiful day to you,

The cb'dé team

Odile Mantelin

Good product

Odile Mantelin

This product allows my old cat, who suffers from gingivitis, to space out the cortisone and antibiotic injections given by my vet, who agrees to use this product.

Odile Mantelin

This product allows my cat, who suffers from gingivitis, to go to the vet less often. Treatment given in agreement with my vet.

Justin Dumas

Great product!

MCT coconut oil for fast action

Our animal CBD oil is formulated with MCT coconut oil as the carrier oil. But why this choice?

Simply because coconut oil, extracted from coconuts, is rich in energetic fatty acids such as capric acid. These fatty acids enable cannabinoids (notably CBG and CBD) to be absorbed more rapidly by the body, since they are fat-soluble (stick to fatty substances).

In this way, our oil acts more quickly on the organism (within a few minutes), ideal for responding to attacks or crises of pain often linked to animal pathologies such as epilepsy or stress (car journeys, veterinary appointments...).

Take care

of your little companions


Is CBD dangerous for animals?

CBD is not harmful to your pets' health. As in humans, it acts on the body via the central nervous system and endocannabinoid receptors, regulating the animal body's homeostasis.

This action on the organism is purely beneficial, and no modification or alteration of animal functions is felt after intake.

The only side effects may be nausea, diarrhea or dry mouth, in the case of overdose only.

Can I combine CBD and medication for my dog?

CBD is not a medicine, but it can accompany certain animal disorders. If your dog or cat is already taking a medical treatment to accompany a pathology, we recommend that you consult a veterinarian for approval to take CBD in conjunction with your current treatment.

How long should I give my dog or cat CBD?

CBD is a molecule that is considered a "contribution" to the body, so it must be ingested on a daily basis to offer the best of its benefits, as with vitamins.

The body will become accustomed to its daily intake of CBD and this will regulate various physiological processes (appetite, stress, weight...).

Natural composition and production

As you now know, we are fervent advocates of 100% natural and French whenever possible.

Our pet oils are made from 100% natural hemp grown in France, and are extracted in a natural, cold process.

Of course, the extraction process is THC-free, so there's no risk to your pets' health.

What's the difference between calculating a dosage for a dog or a cat?

None at all! We've set up a dosage calculator that works for dogs AND cats. The variable that diverges most between a dog's and a cat's dosage is weight. As dogs are generally more corpulent than cats, the dosage calculation for a dog is generally higher in mg CBD/day.