Dog & Cat CBD Calculator

How do I calculate the right dosage of CBD for my dog?

The daily dosage of CBD is not something to be taken lightly, whether for you or for your pet. The daily dosage is based on important elements which ensure that cannabidiol will be ingested in sufficient (and not too great) quantities to accompany the pathology concerned.

In dogs, the calculation of CBD dosage is based on two factors:

  • The weight of the animal : We start from a base of 1mg of CBD/kilo.
  • Type of pathology: We've developed a system of multiplying coefficients for each type of pathology, which we'll explain shortly.

Precise dosage calculation for in-depth support

We have chosen to set up three categories of pathologies, each with a different multiplier coefficient, so as to offer a higher dosage for more serious pathologies and a lower dosage for milder ones.

Types of pathologies :

Mild: Anxiety/sleepiness, eating disorders (gluttony or anorexia), coprophagia, Pica (eating something other than food).

Medium: Chronic inflammation, gingivitis, hyperactivity

Heavy: osteoarthritis, arthritis & joint pain, epilepsy & convulsions, cancer, tumors


Multiplier coefficient applied for the different types of pathologies :

Example of dosage calculation :

You have a dog that weighs 5 kilos and has epileptic seizures (category: heavy pathology, therefore x1.3):

5 kilos x 1mg = 5mg x 1.3 = 6.5mg of CBD per day

All you have to do is give him the necessary number of drops according to the oil chosen:

Oil 3% (for dogs under 10kg): 1.5mg of CBD per drop. 6.5mg / 1.5mg = 4 drops

CBD oil is not a medicine and does not cure, treat or prevent any disease. Consult a veterinarian before use.

Here's a table summarizing the number of drops required for the two suggested oils (3% and 5%).

Frequently asked questions

Is CBD dangerous for animals?

CBD is not harmful to your pets' health. As in humans, it acts on the body via the central nervous system and endocannabinoid receptors, regulating the animal body's homeostasis.

This action on the organism is purely beneficial, and no modification or alteration of animal functions is felt after intake.

The only side effects may be nausea, diarrhea or dry mouth, in the case of overdose only.

Can I combine CBD and medication for my dog?

CBD is not a medicine, but it can accompany certain animal disorders. If your dog or cat is already taking a medical treatment to accompany a pathology, we recommend that you consult a veterinarian for approval to take CBD in conjunction with your current treatment.

What elements are taken into account in the dog & cat CBD calculator?

We've designed this CBD oil dosage calculator for dogs and cats to take into account the major factors that influence the amount of CBD your pet needs:

  • The weight
  • Type of pathology (light, medium, heavy)

These elements enable us to establish a suitable dosage starting from the basic rule of 1mg CBD/kilo, which is revised upwards or downwards according to the type of pathology via a multiplier coefficient (more or less important depending on the type of pathology).

Risk of CBD overdose for animals?

With CBD, an overdose is possible, but an overdose is not! Cannabidiol is no longer assimilated by the body above 160mg, so there's no risk or danger to the animal's health.

As for overdose, it's possible but not really risky; it may lead to diarrhea or temporary nausea, which will quickly fade.

Our advice: always calculate your dosage using the calculator and never start too high. It's better to start with a lower dosage and observe how your pet reacts before increasing the dose.

How do I give my pet CBD once I've calculated my dosage?

You can give our CBD oil in two different ways:

  • Directly into your pet's mouth
  • In his bowl with his food

However, don't put CBD oil in your pet's water bowl, as the oil isn't soluble, so it won't mix well and you'll lose it when your pet drinks its water, so it won't get its full dose.

How long do I have to wait to feel the effects once the dosage has been calculated?

We recommend waiting 10 days before reviewing your dosage. You need to give your body time to get used to cannabidiol and its dosage to achieve satisfactory results. Once these 10 days have elapsed, if you really don't see any results, you can increase the dosage by a few mg.

How long should I give my dog or cat CBD?

CBD is a molecule that is considered a "contribution" to the body, so it must be ingested on a daily basis to offer the best of its benefits, as with vitamins.

The body will become accustomed to its daily intake of CBD and this will regulate various physiological processes (appetite, stress, weight...).

I'm not sure about my pet's pathology to calculate its dosage

You can consult the Guide to CBD oil for animals, where we list the different pathologies. You can also refer to the dosage calculator, at the pathology type selection stage we specify the different pathologies that are concerned for each category.

If you still have any doubts, don't hesitate to drop us a line at [email protected] or call us on 04 37 04
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Can I give my dog CBD treats in addition to the oil? How do I manage the dosage?

Yes, you can! CBD treats for dogs and cats are an excellent additional source of cannabidiol. You can, of course, give them in conjunction with CBD oil, but you'll just have to respect the ratio of treats to drops of oil you give them, so as not to exceed the dosage you've calculated.

3% or 5% oil: what impact does this have on dosage calculations?

CBD 3% oil is exactly the same as CBD 5% oil, it's just less concentrated. In short, you'll have fewer drops to give your pet when using the 5% oil, since it's more concentrated (2.5mg/drops instead of 1.5mg/drops for the 3%).

If your dog is a large one, it's often more interesting to use CBD oil 5%, as you have fewer drops to give him and your bottle lasts longer.

What's the difference between calculating a dosage for a dog or a cat?

None at all! We've set up a dosage calculator that works for dogs AND cats. The variable that diverges most between a dog's and a cat's dosage is weight. As dogs are generally more corpulent than cats, the dosage calculation for a dog is generally higher in mg CBD/day.
