CBD for cats: when to use it?

CBD for cats: when to use it?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is constantly in the news, and for good reason! It is an invaluable daily aid for relieving ailments such as anxiety, joint pain, insomnia and migraines. Because of its many benefits, many owners are considering giving it to their cats. But is it really safe? What are the effects of CBD on these animals? Here's an overview.

Is CBD safe for your cat?

When given correctly, with the right dosage, CBD is considered safe. To be sure of the product's reliability, consider :

  •   THC content

CBD products must contain no trace of THC. This cannabinoid may be toxic to cats.

  •   Quality control

CBD products must be specially formulated for pets. Choose a product formulated with organic hemp and controlled by a third-party laboratory. What's more, some human products contain additional ingredients that can be harmful to cats.

  •   Drug interactions

CBD may interact with certain medications. If your pet is currently undergoing treatment, it's wiser to avoid taking it, or to talk to your vet beforehand.

  •   Your cat's sensitivity

During the first few doses, monitor your cat's behavior and adjust the dosage accordingly. As each animal is different, the effects of CBD may vary from one cat to another.


> Read also: Is CBD safe for animals?

How can CBD help your cat?

While there are as yet no studies focused specifically on cats, a growing number of veterinarians are beginning to explore the potential of CBD in pets. Like humans, cats possess an endocannabinoid system that regulates various biological processes in the body, such as stress, appetite, mood and pain perception.

Via endocannabinoid receptors, CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system in a gentle, indirect way. In particular, it is said to have interesting anxiolytic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. According to several studies carried out on humans or animals (rats, dogs), it could be beneficial for cats in the following cases:

- stress and anxiety ;

- hyperactivity ;

- eating disorders ;

- pica syndrome;

- gingivitis ;

- epileptic seizure management ;

- arthrosis and arthritis ;

- chronic inflammation.

CBD is usually used to combat anxiety in cats and help them regain their composure when their routine changes (new arrival in the family, visit to the vet, moving house, loud noises...). You can also administer it if your cat suffers from mobility problems or joint stiffness.

It's important to remember, however, that CBD is not a medicine. Under no circumstances is it a substitute for veterinary care, especially if your cat shows worrying signs (refusal to eat, weight loss, etc.).  


How do you administer CBD to your cat? At what dose?

On the market CBD products for cats products for cats usually come in oil form. Easy to administer, it allows you to adjust the dosage according to the animal's size. To use it, follow the manufacturer's instructions and adjust the quantity according to the animal's weight and the type of pathology. On our website, our Dog & Cat Dosage Calculator to help you determine the right dosage.


To promote the well-being of your little companion, our CBD oil is specially formulated for cats. Controlled by an independent laboratory, it is 100% natural, THC-free and organically grown. It is administered directly from your pet's mouth or in its food. What's its advantage? For easy intake, it has a pleasant beef, salmon and soon chicken flavor!
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