Why and how should I give my dog CBD?

Why and how should I give my dog CBD?

In humans, CBD (or cannabidiol) is commonly used to relieve ailments such as anxiety, chronic pain, sleep disorders and inflammation. But we're not the only ones to suffer: dogs are affected by these problems too! Would you like to support your pet's health with CBD? We'll answer all your questions.

What are the benefits of CBD for my dog?

With the rise in popularity of CBD products, more and more vets are questioning their effects on animals. The potential benefits of CBD on dogs are mostly suggested by research carried out on humans and laboratory animals. In our four-legged companions, CBD could help alleviate the following pathologies:

  •   Anxiety

Change of environment, separation, noise... Anxiety in dogs has many causes. It manifests itself in excessive barking, agitation, uncleanliness and even destructive behavior. A study[1] conducted in 2021 by researchers at the University of Western Australia shows interesting results in shelter dogs. After two weeks of CBD administration, those with aggressive tendencies showed less hostility towards humans.

  •   Pain and inflammation

Arthritis is a common disease that develops in dogs as they age. Is your pet experiencing mobility problems or pain? CBD could help relieve the inflammation.[2]modulate pain perception and promote greater comfort.

  •   Epileptic seizures

Combined with traditional anti-epileptic drugs, CBD is said to help reduce the frequency of seizures in dogs. In a study studyColorado State University[3]89% of dogs given CBD for 12 weeks experienced a reduction in seizure frequency compared to those given a placebo. A correlation between CBD oil levels in dogs and the extent of seizure reduction was found.

But that's not all: CBD could also accompany other pathologies such as eating disorders, gingivitis, epilepsy, coprophagia or even cancer. However, these results have not yet been specifically examined in dogs.

> Also read: Is CBD safe for animals?

Is CBD safe for my dog?

Unlike THC, which is toxic to dogs, CBD poses no health risk to them if given in appropriate doses. Potential side effects include

- diarrhea ;

- a slight temporary lethargy ;

- dry mouth ;

- lower blood pressure.

Warning CBD may interact with certain medications. If your dog is undergoing treatment or suffers from a particular pathology, ask your vet for advice.

How long does it take for CBD to work in my dog?

You'll soon be giving CBD to your dog ? The speed of the effects may vary according to his metabolism and pathology. Some animals feel relief within hours, while others need a few days (or even weeks) of regular use to see results.

During the first few weeks, keep an eye on your dog's reactions. To determine the optimal dose, it may be necessary to make a few adjustments to find the right dosage for your dog's needs.

Which CBD product should I choose for my dog?

Men and dogs have different needs. This is why it is recommended to choose a CBD oil specially formulated for animals. The reason? You can be sure of using a safe, high-quality product. To administer, pour a few drops into your dog's food, treats or directly into his mouth.

There is no universal dosage for dogs. The number of drops to be given daily depends on factors such as the type of pathology, the animal's size and the CBD content of the oil. Dosage instructions are given on the product label: follow them carefully!

Safe and easy to use, our CBD oil for cats and dogs is formulated to enhance the daily life of your little companions. Controlled by an independent laboratory, it is 100% legal and contains no THC. Its trump card? Its beef and salmon flavors make it easy and pleasant to take. To determine the right dosage, we've also developed an automatic automatic dosage calculator for animals.

Sources :

[1] Corsetti, Sara et al. "Cannabis sativa L. may reduce aggressive behaviour towards humans in shelter dogs." Scientific reports vol. 11,1 2773. 2 Feb. 2021, doi:10.1038/s41598-021-82439-2 https://api.research-repository.uwa.edu.au/ws/portalfiles/portal/120833128/Cannabis_sativa_L_may_reduce_aggressive_behaviour_.pdf

[2] Philpott, Holly T et al. "Attenuation of early phase inflammation by cannabidiol prevents pain and nerve damage in rat osteoarthritis." Pain vol. 158,12 (2017): 2442-2451. doi:10.1097/j.pain.0000000000001052

[3] McGrath, Stephanie et al. "Randomized blinded controlled clinical trial to assess the effect of oral cannabidiol administration in addition to conventional antiepileptic treatment on seizure frequency in dogs with intractable idiopathic epilepsy." Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association vol. 254.11 (2019): 1301-1308. doi:10.2460/javma.254.11.1301
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