Shortcrust pastry with hemp flour

Shortcrust pastry with hemp flour

Shortcrust pastry with hemp flour

Shortcrust pastry with hemp flour

Hemp flour is excellent for the body, as it's packed with nutrients: omegas 3-6-9, natural soluble and insoluble fibers and, above all, complete proteins (even more than red meat).
It adds a hint of nuts and a brown color to your shortcrust pastry - a little originality never hurts!

Made from de-oiled hemp seeds, hemp flour is organic and vegan, so it's sure to delight guests of all persuasions!


  • 165g flour
  • 15g organic hemp flour
  • 80mL water
  • 80mL oil

Steps :

  1. Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Work the dough until it no longer sticks to your fingers (adjust the proportions of water and oil accordingly).
  2. Form a ball and roll out the dough
Packaging hemp flour

Hemp flour - Organic

5,90 €
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