Where to buy CBD? Online or in stores?

Where to buy CBD? Online or in stores?

We've started by showing you the legality of CBD-based products. Even if they are legal, they are still subject to certain constraints so as not to be punished by the law. That's why we've decided to show you the best places to buy CBD.

Buying CBD in physical stores

For just under 2 years now, we've all been seeing stores selling CBD products blossoming in the major cities around us. When you go there, you'll find staff on hand to advise you on varieties and products according to the effect you're looking for. Unfortunately, there are still too few physical stores, so it's hard to get real expert advice on the subject. Some even proclaim themselves coffee shops, which immediately makes us think of consumption on the premises, even though France strictly condemns this practice.

You can now buy diet cannabis from tobacconists, but beware of these businesses, which are not experts in these products and can sell anything and everything. Make sure you check the legality of what you're buying by looking at the legal information and the way it's sold.

As we don't intend to open a physical store just yet, you can find us in this type of business (in the partnerships tab on our home page: link to this sentence).

Buy CBD from online shops

Online shops mean you don't have to spend hours looking for a store. You can buy legal cannabis directly, without leaving your home, anywhere in France, and with fast delivery.

The Internet allows you to take into account the opinions of other users, and also to take advantage of price-comparison tools, and yes, even to buy CBD there is such a thing (put link site when you're in). In our opinion, this step is necessary before ordering a CBD product.

Buy online

But be sure to check certain points: THC levels, where your products are shipped... Not all European countries have the same legislation, and the market disparity is even greater worldwide. Close to home, Italy, Switzerland and the Netherlands have very different legislation, so be careful about shipping products with illegal concentrations.

Why buy CBD products from our online store or one of our partners

Cb'dé is a French registered trademark, and we've worked hard to become experts in the field of cannabidiol. Thanks to the work we've done upstream, we're able to offer you the very best products, with French traceability and rate certification.

We offer a diverse range of CBD products including the ability to purchase CBD oil, CBD lozenges, CBD flowers and CBD resins.

Our entire range respects certain essential points:

  • Legislation: offering only THC-free products, except for flowers with -0.2% THC in compliance with French legislation.
  • Natural: one of our core values is to work in harmony with nature.
  • Quality: we're constantly on the lookout for the best products on the market.
  • Discretion: packaging designed to ensure peace of mind for both you and your family and friends.
  • Delivery: fast, between 24-72 hours, sent by recorded delivery. In the event of a problem, we will send you a new parcel.
  • Analysis: our suppliers test the products we buy from them, but despite the trust we place in them, this does not rule out control. We carry out an analysis on behalf of our company in a French laboratory specialized in the sector.

We hope we've cleared up any doubts you may have on this subject, as the purchase of CBD or legal cannabis is still governed by a vague legislative framework. The professionalism and legality of the store you choose for your purchase is important, whether it's a physical shop or an online one, and ensuring the legality of the products you wish to buy.

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