Yours in solidarity

Yours in solidarity

cb'dé has decided to support "Octobre Rose" (Pink October), a focus on breast cancer but not only. It affects us directly, as many of our team members have been affected by cancer and its consequences.

We'd like to help in the fight against cancer, not only in research and development, but also through our involvement with a local association that helps cancer sufferers in our town on a daily basis.


For this purpose cb'dé undertakes to donate 1% of its Monthly Sales (October 2021) to "SOLIDAIREMENT VÔTRE" :

logo-solidairement votre
"In solidarity with you"is a non-profit association under the French law of 1901 that helps breast cancer patients in the Vienne region.
Dominique LALEOUSE - President, who was treated for breast cancer at the TRENEL clinic in 2011, saw the difficulties and needs of patients, and sought ways to contribute to their well-being during and after the illness.
Created in December 2012 on the initiative of DominiqueThe aim of the association is to help and support patients suffering from female cancer, and more specifically breast cancer, as well as the medical staff involved in the treatment of this disease. Dominique created this association to raise funds, and thanks to her first participation in the Rallye des Gazelles was able to realize her goal of helping breast cancer patients.
"In solidarity with you"Thanks to these funds, the association works to improve the comfort of patients in the Viennese region, and through actions such as the Pink Walk during Pink October, raises awareness of the importance of early detection and treatment of breast cancer.
Their actions and events:
  • " Marche Rose Pink Walk": planned as part of Pink October to inform and raise awareness of the importance of screening and early diagnosis of the disease.
  • " Café Viennois The "Café Viennois" is an opportunity to share experiences and ideas in a warm and friendly setting in Vienna.
  • " Pink Boxes "Pink boxes, worth €100 each, have been purchased and are distributed to patients undergoing treatment at the TRENEL clinic by the nursing staff. They contain a range of comfort cosmetics: Comfort cosmetics are not reimbursed by the Assurance Maladie. These comfort products are designed to counter the side effects of treatment.
Socio-Esthetician Accompanying patients through Muriel MEISSONNIER (newspaper article link), our Socio-Esthetician funded by In solidarity with you in association with Europa Donna. Muriel works every Tuesday and Friday afternoon at the TRENEL clinic.
Purchase of materials Microbead cushions, available at the TRENEL clinic, for the comfort of post-operative patients. Magazine subscriptions ...
Financial participation : Sophrology training for the onco-psychologist in the TRENEL clinic's chemotherapy department. "SOS féminité" for the purchase of wigs at the start of their activity. Osteopathy sessions offered to certain patients in financial difficulty.
We will of course be present at the next event, the Marche Rose to be held on Sunday, October 24, 2021 from 1:30pm at the Vienne village hall - Place de Mimeront. Further information on the organization of this event will be provided shortly!
Find out more about "In solidarity with you"find out more website here.
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