BOVEDA HumidiPack 62% (8gr)

Regular price 2,99€
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cb'dé is a French registered trademark working in partnership with Boveda.

The Boveda HumidiPack is a salt and water sachet that guarantees a relative humidity of 62% in your storage containers at all times. The Boveda HumidiPack guarantees this humidity thanks to a blend of special salts contained in a bi-directional membrane patented by Boveda.

It can store up to 4 times its weight, or around 30 grams of CBD flowers.
If the relative humidity in the container exceeds 62%, the salt absorbs moisture through the membrane, leaving your flowers in a sufficiently dry climate. And conversely, if the level drops below 62%, the salt releases moisture into your storage containers to keep the hygrometry ideal for your flowers. The less your flowers are subjected to variations in humidity and temperature, the more they will retain and even enhance their taste and effect.
62% is the perfect humidity level for curing or storing CBD flowers, including cannabis. Studies show that 15% more trichomes are retained when flowers are stored in a CVault box and with the use of Boveda sachets. Trichomes (resin bubbles) are components of cannabis flowers that retain terpenes (taste-related) as well as cannabinoids (effect-related), and the cannabis maturation process ensures that these trichomes stick to the plant material of the herb over time.

The advantage of the Boveda bag is that no weight is lost during storage!
Note that below 50% humidity in your jars, the herbs are too dry and the trichomes are released (loss of taste and potency). And above 65/68%, the risk of mold increases considerably.
Our CVault tins and Boveda sachets are also highly recommended during the curing period, as they will minimize humidity variations, which is not negligible during this process.

  • ⭐ patented concept
  • 💦 perfect humidity
  • 🌞 anti-uv
  • 🌪 hermetic
  • ⭐ patented concept
  • 💦 perfect humidity
  • 🌞 anti-uv
  • 🌪 hermetic
  • ⭐ patented concept
  • 💦 perfect humidity
  • 🌞 anti-uv
  • 🌪 hermetic
Airtight & UV-resistant box

Airtight & UV-resistant box

Cvault boxes are specifically designed for preserving cannabis flowers. With a stainless steel design and a watertight silicone seal, this preservation box protects cannabis flowers from the sun's rays, which degrade trichomes, and blocks air ingress, which can damage flowers.

UV rays and air can degrade the plant's trichomes if it receives too much of them. For example, too much sun will "dry out" the plant and "burn" (and therefore destroy) the trichomes, and too much air can affect the plant in the same way (drying out or moistening the plant depending on whether the air is hot or cold).

Boveda humidifier sachet

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Illustration of a conservation Cvault

CBD flowers


As our dear Gaëtan (creator of the company) likes to say, CBD is like good wine, it only gets better with time if it's well preserved!

As cannabis epicureans, we offer exceptional products to
our community to thrill and enjoy on a daily basis, but what's the point if we don't offer them a means of preservation that respects the correct rules when it comes to preserving CBD flowers?

We're not talking about a wine cellar here, but a hermetically sealed box specially designed for preserving cannabis flowers, with a HumidiPack bag to control humidity levels.

We explain it all!


Do CBD flowers expire?

We're not going to talk about CBD flowers expiring, because even if they're poorly preserved, too old or "faded", they won't pose any danger to health, they'll simply have lost their benefits and flavours. So we're more likely to speak of "spent" or "too dry" flowers, which will have lost their compactness, color, flavors and benefits.

How long can I keep my CBD flowers?

If stored in the right way (i.e. away from light and air, and with the right level of humidity), you can keep them for several months without worry! This is a product that keeps very well over time when stored in the right

How can you tell if a flower has been badly preserved?

It will have lost its original color, generally becoming lighter, yellowish or brown. It will also have lost its compactness, becoming "softer" and more "fluffy" (airy).

What is a trichome?

Trichomes are small appendages found on cannabis flowers. They contain the resin and are therefore "fatty", often with a small translucent drop at the end. Storing CBD flowers in a Cvault box with a Boveda sachet is designed to preserve these trichomes, which contain most of the plant's flavours and benefits (cannabinoids, etc.).

What is a humidity level?

It corresponds to the humidity level in a space. In other words, the percentage of water vapor in the air. Our Boveda sachets regulate this rate by absorbing or rejecting humidity inside the Cvault to keep the hygrometry rate at 62%: the ideal rate for preserving CBD flowers.

CBD flowers to keep in your Cvault

We offer quality CBD flowers, Indoor, Greenhouse and even Outdoor, there's something for everyone!

You can find elite terpene profiles, as in our famous Wedding Cake, and flowers of all types: compact, big buds, sweet, fruity...